Ryan Jones is an American artist known for contemporary realist paintings.  Born in Alameda, California, Jones’ artistic journey was shaped early by studies in the San Francisco Bay Area at CCA.  Later at Stanford University, notable artist Enrique Chagoya provided mentorship and Jones graduated with degrees in Art and Engineering.  After school Ryan worked as a backdrop painter for George Lucas on scores of Hollywood films where his eye for cinematic intrigue helped mold a distinct lens through which he viewed the world.  This work in the film industry led him across the world to Singapore where he lived for several years before returning back to Mill Valley, CA where Ryan now resides and paints.  Over time Jones began employing a largely self taught fusion of techniques inspired by a love of the old masters and contemporary favorites such as James Rosenquist.  Ryan’s work now embraces and challenges the traditions of realist painting with a modern exploration of contemporary practices and observations.  His artwork is included in a number of prestigious private collections including that of Prince Albert II and has been showcased in galleries, museums and art fairs all over the world.